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The Mindset Athlete Podcast

Aug 29, 2018

Otakara Klettke is an international bestselling author of Hear Your Body Whisper: How to Unlock Your Self-Healing Mechanism. (USA), (UK), (France) and (Canada).

From a sick child and constant health limitations, she spent the first 20 years of her life often being bound to a hospital or home in bed. When she slowly...

Aug 17, 2018

He is an Applied Sport and Exercise Scientist at the University of Chester. With a keen Interested in the science of rugby, training, fatigue and recovery.

He is invited regularly to review scientific papers for the Journal of Sport Sciences, International Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of Strength and Conditioning...

Aug 10, 2018

He spent most of his life as an athlete, as he got older and better Drew was able to follow his passion of baseball and play at the professional level travelling around the world through the US, to Germany and Australia.

This is where his passion for health was found as he was able to stay healthy and injury-free...

Aug 5, 2018

In 2012, Peter had a brain injury. Before that, he had played football from the age of 4 and made it to a high level by playing for Fulham’s Development Centre. After his brain injury, he had to learn everything again and he realised that he couldn't play football anymore.

In 2012 the Paralympics also happened and he...