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The Mindset Athlete Podcast

Nov 15, 2017

In today's episode of the Mind Set Game Podcast, I sat down with Daniel Milton.

Daniel is a Lecturer in Physical Education & Sport Coaching in the Cardiff School of Sport. He is also one of the senior rugby coaches within the Cardiff Metropolitan rugby squad and is currently the WRU National 18's attack coach. He is currently working with Birmingham University and Sport Wales on a collaborative research project around motivation and Empowering principles.

He summarises the episode with this sentence: "Create positive environments - that are based on people being task focused, given people voice and choice, getting people being respected and connected and making people be competent and if we do we can be successful and develop people that want to have a lifelong physical literacy journey or become elite sports people."

For more information about Daniel connect with his Twitter.

For more information about Mind Set Game connect with us on Facebook @mindsetgamepodcast

For more information about James Roberts (the host of the podcast), visit and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.